
Congratulations to Marlena for developing a benzhydryl-substituted
N-heterocyclic carbene that facilitates challenging C(sp3)–C(sp2)
iron-catalyzed cross-coupling! Well-done! (2024, Catal. Sci. Technol.)

Congratulations to Pamela for developing novel metal N-heterocyclic carbene  complexes with N,C/S,C-chelating thiazole donors for catalysis! Well-done! (2024, Dalton Trans.)

Congratulations to Kasia, a beneficiary of the Zawacka NAWA internship program!

As part of the program, she will undertake a scientific internship at Palacký University in Olomouc, within the research team of Prof. Lucie Brulíková. During her stay, she will work on the synthesis and analysis of new imidazole derivatives with potential anti-tuberculosis properties.

New student joins lab
Welcome Karolina!

March 2024

Professor Bisz and her Ph.D. students took part in an international scientific seminar at Khalifa University in Abu Dhabi, UAE

11-13th March 2024

Members of our research team took part in the SMPTChem winter meeting in Łódź

9th December 2023

New student joins lab
Welcome Aymara!

October 2023

Elwira and Krzysztof took part in the PTChem conference in Toruń (Poland)

18-22th September 2023